Awkward postures can overload the muscles and place too much pressure on the joints. When these factors are present individually or in combination, the risk of appearing or causing an MSD’s is much higher. However, it will last longer, all furniture will be customized according to your needs, and you will save a lot of money in the long run. When organizing your home office, the things you are using the most should be close to you, and the less frequently used should be in the drawers.

importance of good ergonomics when working from home

When you work at a standing desk, the same rules about keyboard and mouse placement apply, so make sure you aren’t working at a standing desk that’s too tall or short for you. For some, a standing desk is the ideal combination of work and exercise—without the trip to the gym. One study found that working at a standing desk burns about 88 calories an hour.

You can’t be productive when you’re in pain – Susan Hallbeck

Placing your keyboard at elbow height is only the beginning of proper keyboard ergonomics. To ensure you’ve got the right keyboard height, place the keyboard on your work surface then try to type a few lines. As you type, your wrists should remain straight, and your upper arms should stay close to your body, without you forcing it. While working on a laptop for a short time is fine, using one for longer periods (like the full workday), will not do wonders for your body. However, there are things you can do to improve laptop ergonomics when you work on it for long periods.

  • It primarily involves designing the workplace in a way that is conducive for better productivity and wellbeing.
  • Find an area of your apartment that is free from clutter and is close to electrical outlets.
  • Sleep is extremely important to avoid tension and strains, she says.

Taking a few moments to ensure that your home office is set up properly can help you reduce repetitive stress and strain while working. This can minimize pain, improve posture, and improve your overall productivity while working. There has been much debate over whether you should sit or stand at your workspace. Some people have even started using sit-to-stand work stations and are spending quite a bit of time standing while working. This is meant to relieve stress and strain on your low back and neck. If you are working from home and start to develop any pain, adjust your position and workspace.

To Stand or Not to Stand

Incorporating ergonomics into the home office set up, helps you to improve your efficiency and productivity by being comfortable and help you prevent any unnecessary stress and injury. It’s also critical to keep all power cords as well as computer and networking cables up and away from the floor, which is why we offer built-in power-systems across our office furniture lines. Little details like these can make a big difference in worker comfort and safety. Even the choice of leg design on tables and desks can reduce trip hazards. Talk with a Formaspace Design Consultant who can help review all your options for creating a safer, more ergonomically fit work environments.

In fact, a review of 18 studies found those who sit the most are at a 49% greater risk of dying early than those who sit the least (2). This caloric difference could be one of the reasons why sitting longer is so strongly linked to obesity and metabolic disease (1, 7). Your head is bent forward and looking down, which strains everything from your back to your neck.